Global Development exists to help people connect biblical values to the deepest part of their worldview and to foster intentional discipleship so that people may experience the life-changing transformation of the kingdom of God.
The mission of Global Development is to enable missionaries, pastors, and lay people to better distinguish the universal message of the gospel from their local interpretation and practice of living out the gospel within their communities.
The strategies for accomplishing this mission will be a team effort with local leaders and others who are gifted in the areas of discipleship training, storying the gospel for oral learners, missiological consulting, and other gifts and graces that people will bring to Global Development.
The hallmark of Dr. Whiteman’s teaching and training for many years has been grounded on the fact that God became incarnate in Jesus who entered fully into the life and time of his Jewish culture. This is the model for how Christians should go about cross-cultural ministry and relating to others. We need to enter deeply into the lives of those among whom we live and serve.