In September 2020, J & C, along with their family of six, embarked on a significant journey to South Asia. J holds a leadership position in a Christian organization dedicated to serving Christian expatriates in a densely populated city within a Muslim-majority country.
However, shortly after their arrival, J & C faced a heart-wrenching tragedy. Five weeks into their new life, their third-born child, Simeon Newton, passed away unexpectedly. Simeon’s sudden illness and subsequent hospitalization in pediatric intensive care ended with his untimely death.
Despite this profound loss, J & C’s faith remained steadfast. They have since been blessed with another child, restoring their family to six members as they continue their mission in a distant land.
The main focus of their work is a Christian school that educates many children of Christian workers as well as children of Muslim nationals. Though the school is Christian with evangelistic fervor, the Christian work of J & C (as well as many of the parents and students) is not overt. We are sorry that we can’t share full names, pictures, or web links here. Please pray for the sustenance and growth of the work and the gospel endeavors of J and C’s family and the other missionaries in this dark land.