Yes! Attach one of the yellow cards from your sponsorship packet to assist staff in identifying your student. Standard, flat mail may be sent through the Helps Ministries office: Helps Ministries PO Box 6449 Asheville, NC 28816
What should (and shouldn’t) I write about?
Tell about yourself, family, faith, hobbies, sports, the area where you live. Ask your student about his/her favorite school subjects, interests, and dreams. Include a photograph of you and your family, or a postcard from your city or state. Avoid writing about material wealth, or sending photos that put relative physical luxuries such as your […]
Will I hear back from my student?
Yes! Students will usually write letters to their sponsors at least yearly. If you haven’t received a letter for awhile, please contact us to make sure our records are current and that we have your correct mailing address. Please also keep in mind that, due to the remote areas where these students are located, communication […]
Can I send my student a gift?
Photos, stickers, and most other small items that fit into a flat envelope are great to include with a letter to your student, but we can’t accommodate other gifts at this time. If you would like to make a special contribution outside of your sponsorship, please contact us about current program needs, or any other […]
How long do students stay in the program?
This can vary greatly depending on the age and grade level of the student you’re sponsoring! A college student may only need sponsorship for a few years, while a grade 4 student may very well continue on through secondary school or beyond. If your student graduates or leaves the program for any reason, we’ll contact […]
What does it cost to sponsor a student?
A Primary Scholarship is a pledged gift of $30/month (only $1/day!), and a Full Scholarship is $60/month. A student can have one full sponsor or up to two primary sponsors. You can adjust your giving level at any time – just contact us!
How do I make my donations?
Donations can be made by monthly automatic debit, recurring credit card, or manually by personal/bank check or credit card. Checks should be made payable to Helps Ministries, PO Box 6449, Asheville, NC 28816. To set up recurring donations or make a full year donation towards an existing sponsorship, click here. To make an online donation […]