Dear Friends and Family,
Ministry started for me in the summer of 2015 in Myrtle Beach, SC. I was serving as a summer missionary with IMPACT Ministries and grew a love for the gospel, children, and missions that I didn’t know I had. That joy, in serving God’s children, is something that I’ve never been able to shake. I truly believe it’s my purpose and what I was created for. Over the past five and a half years in full-time ministry, I’ve had incredible opportunities both within the church and outside of the church, stateside and abroad, to serve the Lord in new ways.
I’m excited to share that God has opened a door for me to serve in Uganda this June.
I will be going to Uganda with a team from my church (Grace Mills River Church) to support our church’s ministry partners.
We will serve alongside Edward and Christine Isingoma in Hoima, Uganda at New Life Church and Primary School. We will also serve with Ann Kieser who is a Grace missionary working with Serge in Bundibugyo, Uganda at primary and secondary schools.
I invite you to partner with me by praying for our team while we prepare and travel to Uganda. Nothing will be accomplished without the Lord going before us and working in the hearts of our team and the people we’re serving. I also invite those of you who are able to partner with me financially. I’ve been able to save and prepare for this opportunity, but need the support of family and friends as well.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share this adventure with you. I am excited to see more of the global Church at work and experience ministry in a new way.
Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
And in Mark 16:15, He says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
These verses always remind me why I was called to ministry in the first place and are the heartbeat of this trip. I am so grateful for your prayers and any financial gifts given.