Youth for Yezelalem Minch
Who: Any youth 18 or younger who can pedal anything with wheels (bikes/tricycles)
What: Bike-a-thon. (Helmets are required to participate) Students get sponsors to give $ per mile that they ride or a flat donation for participating. A pledge form is included in the packet to keep track of individuals. Checks can be made to “Helps Ministries” with Yezelalem Minch Bike for Hope written on the memo line.
When: 3:30pm – 5:30pm October 6, 2019. Registration will be from 3:30 – 3:45. Ride will begin at 4pm sharp! If arriving later, please park in Keith Kuipers gym parking lot.
Where: Parking lot of Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church. All loops begin and end in the parking lot.
◾Separate loops for beginners (.25 mile loop all paved.) Typically for children under first grade.
◾Intermediate (1 mile loop mostly paved). For elementary and middle-schoolers.
◾Advanced riders (about 3 mile loop on dirt and sandstone). For mid-schoolers and high-schoolers.
*It might be a good idea to have your child try out a mile loop and see how long it takes.
Why: Yezelalem Minch is in need of funds to help them continue their ministry in Ethiopia for kids who have lost their parents.
This fundraiser is thought of by kids, organized by kids (mostly, with oversight by adults), and is for kids.
– “Rehoboth Kids”